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Jim Maxwell, DVM

Practice Owner, Veterinarian

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Born and raised in Williamsburg, Virginia, Dr. Jim Maxwell first became interested in equine medicine as a teenager, after a visit to Colonial Downs Racetrack in New Kent, Virginia. After having earned his Bachelors in Biology from Virginia Tech, he spent time working at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital as a barn technician and participating in the Keeneland Sales with Three Chimneys Farm in Kentucky.


Dr. Maxwell received his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine degree from Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine and completed an internship at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital before settling here in North Carolina. He purchased Summit Equine Hospital in 2016 and is the sole practice owner. He enjoys general practice with an emphasis
on sports medicine and lameness, while keeping an unwavering enthusiasm for horse racing.


Outside of veterinary medicine, Dr. Jim Maxwell enjoys spending time with his family and taking part in a multitude of outdoor activities. He and his wife Liz got married in the spring of 2016 and welcomed a bundle of joy named Elliott James Maxwell in the fall of 2017. Little EJ joined an already existing furry family of 4 dogs, 4 cats, 5 goats, 7 chickens, 1 fish, and 1 turtle. Elliott was soon followed by his three younger siblings: Madelyn in 2019, William in 2020, and Georgia in 2022. Dr. Maxwell cherishes time spent in this dynamic and exciting household.

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